How To Sell To A High D Personality – 3 Powerful Uses of DiSC Profiles in Sales

“D” Personality – Selling to the Dominant
In this episode, Rob & Lane talk about what a D personality is, how to sell to them, and how they make decisions. Ultimately, by understanding who they are and how they make decisions, you’ll increase your odds of closing the sale and improve how you sell to them. The first portion of the show covers what High D personality is and what traits they have. They’re not as bad as they sound, but it becomes important to understand how they decide whether they want to do business with you.
Next, we hit on the strengths and weaknesses of High D personalities. They have some great strengths, including how fast they make decisions. If you truly understand how they think, you’ll quickly find out how easy they are to sell to. You’ll always know where you stand with a High D. When you sell to a D Personality, you need to move and think quickly.
What Motivates a “D” Personality?
Next, we talk about what motivates them and how their personalities are formed. Because of their past, deadlines and goals become very important. If you had to describe a High D Personality, you’d say they’re task masters and not really people focused. They can be easy to sell to but you need to know how to do it.
“D” Personality Roles In Companies
Finally, we talk about the types of roles they usually hold/play in organizations and how to tell the difference between someone who comes across as a High D versus who really isn’t. This is important for the final portion we discuss… How to sell to a High D Personality.
We hope you enjoy. If you wonder if you’re a High D or don’t know which personality profile you are, you can check it out at Crystal Knows for free. This website is completely separate from The Slow Pitch and all information provided to them stays with them.
Related Episodes:
How to Sell to a High āIā Personality ā Using DiSC Profiles in Sales
Additional Resources:
Crystal Knows:
Crystal Knows:
The Episode
Rob 0:13
All right, welcome to the slow pitch podcast Lane. How are we doing over there?
Lane 0:18
I’m doing great. Rob, how about you?
Rob 0:19
That’s good. That’s good. What do you want to talk about today?
Lane 0:23
Today I’d like to talk about I, you know, I’ve got a meeting with a with a new potential customer in a few days, when I was talking to the guy had a relatively short conversation with him. But it just kind of left me feeling a little uneasy. I don’t know what it was about him, but he just wasn’t very friendly. What do I do about that?
Rob 0:39
Well, there’s a lot of not friendly people out there. So maybe it was just a bad day. Could it be that or was it like, that’s the way his whole attitude was, like, all the way through?
Lane 0:47
Yeah, I didn’t get the vibe from them. There’s bad day, you know, it just didn’t sound like that. It just sounded like, this is the sky.
Rob 0:54
Okay, cuz I hear that sometimes when I call people, there’s like, man, I think I caught you on a bad day. And it’s not a good day. But what you’re describing maybe sounds like a little bit of a personality issue. I don’t know.
Lane 1:04
He definitely personality.
Rob 1:06
Okay. All right. So it sounds like there’s a little. So here’s a couple of, you know, a couple of thoughts here and just put it into context here a little bit, I think what it might be, is you might have encountered somebody with a D personality. And that requires a whole different set of skills than the other three personality styles that we usually would talk about or could talk about. And I know we’ve talked about disc at a high level before in a previous episode, where we really get a chance to dive into each one right deep. So let’s talk about how to deal with a high D personality so that you really don’t mess this up in your sale.
Lane 1:39
What do you think? Sounds great. Alright,
Rob 1:41
let’s get started.
V/O 1:43
This is The Slow Pitch podcast.
Rob 1:47
The question now is, what is a high D personality? For me? I think we should probably start with that. Right? What does that mean? What’s a D personality? Because, I mean, if you say that, I could think of a couple of other adjectives that might fit into that.
Lane 2:02
I was just about to say it, myself.
Rob 2:06
But you know what, that’s not exactly what this is all about. So, although when we go through this, you may go You know what, I may disagree with that, because sometimes that’s how they come across a little bit. But, but really what it is, is if you know, let me ask you this a couple questions here with this person that you had to deal with? Sure. How did they come across? When you spoke to them? Were they like, like, were they really intense? Or did they feel a little laid back? Or did they I cut it out?
Lane 2:31
Yeah, it was. He was very, very quick and just matter. Matter of fact, just, you know, just Alright, let’s, let’s, let’s get through this. What are we doing? Let’s, you know, are we what are we talking about? What are we gonna do? Just very Curt, short, to the point. Okay.
Rob 2:47
Okay. And and was he? Was he the type of person that was really, like, get out of my way? Kind of a feeling like, you know, this is I’m running the show here a little bit.
Lane 3:00
No, yeah, totally. Okay.
Rob 3:02
All right. Yeah. So it sounds to me like you have more of a D personality on the other end of the line than then then maybe what you might and the other other profiles. And just to put it into perspective to everybody can have more than one of these traits at any given time. So there’s no locked in a, you’re a D or a D, or you’re an AI or an AI. Sometimes it’s people have combinations. So for example, some people have a high D, but a secondary one, that’s a high C, or an S, or a C, or an AI, any of those, they can have a combination of it. And they can also have a third personality style that can come out. And when they have the third one, it’s less likely to show up. But it can happen. So when you have a high D, there’s a couple of traits that we should probably talk about what they look like. So a high D is really a very strong willed type of individual. They don’t like a lot of help from the other people that are around them, or even direct reports, believe it or not, they’re very comfortable making decisions on their own. So if you’re having a conversation with a person that’s a high D, and you’re trying to come across or help them, guide them to an answer, you could run into a problem where they’re feeling like, hey, you’re trying to tell me what to do.
Lane 4:16
Yeah, that’s interesting when they’re, they’re coming to you looking asking for advice or information or help, but yet they act like they don’t want it or need it.
Rob 4:22
Yeah. Isn’t that weird, but it is and what that stems from, from what I understand, and I’ve heard a couple different people say this that stems from this fear of loss of control, and this fear of somebody else taking over their lives or taking over something of them. And it’s usually stems from something when they were younger. Now what exactly that is, and if that’s all totally accurate, I don’t know. I’m not a psychologist, but I will tell you this, it does feel that way. When you’re talking to some of these folks that they there’s a little bit of a, hey, I I’m in control here and don’t try to take that away from me. So if you work for a Heidi and we’ll get into that a little bit more in detail, they have to make decisions and they’re the ones that have have to be the ones making the decisions in a sense, if they’re aware of the fact that they are not supposed to, as a leader make those decisions, and they should be letting their team make a decision. If they’re working on it, they will, it’ll be very difficult. But if they’re working on it, they will be able to adjust. And just like I said earlier, everybody can have multiple letters in their in their personality style. But just remember, when when somebody has to act like a different letter, it takes thought, it takes forethought, it takes a little, a little restraint, it just, it’s not an easy thing to do. So especially for a high D, who’s, who’s used to just basically steamrolling over people, and making them you know, just bodies everywhere, you know, right. And so, and that’s fine. That’s fine. That’s the way they are. They’re not always that way. But that’s kind of all this is a little bit exaggerated. But understand, this is what you can see when you pay attention. These folks are also really competitive, when they’re, they’re like trying to do things, what they’ll try to do is they’ll try to get their, their team, if they’re working, if they work with other people working for what they’ll try to do is have their team compete to get something done faster, you know, they’ll they’ll put this competition out there. And that can be really good and helpful. And that can be a little bit detriment to them as well. Because it’s not about winning a game like that. It’s about getting the right decisions. Right. The other thing that they can be is a little bit demanding. And so there’s this person when they when you spoke to them, do they sound like they were a little bit of a demanding kind of a person? Or like, do they have like high expectations? Or?
Lane 6:33
Oh, yeah, yeah, I think so.
Rob 6:35
Yeah. So in I don’t know, if you remember any part of that conversation that you had with them. But you know, when they talk about high expectations, like do you have an example of what what a high expectation they set for you? That was a little bit strange, and you weren’t ready for in that initial conversation? Do you have any women like that?
Lane 6:52
Yeah, he he, he kind of has a fairly complicated website. He wants redone, he seems to think it can be done in six weeks. And, you know, the degree of complication, I, you know, we’re we’re talking months, maybe even up to six months worth of work for this type of site. But yeah, it was a little a little unusual.
Rob 7:11
Okay, that sounds exactly right. I would be willing to bet he probably said to you, well, in the last guy did it in six months, or six weeks, or whatever, you know, number of weeks that it was that he wants you to do it?
Lane 7:20
Yeah, I had to bite my tongue a little bit, you know, maybe that’s why he’s got all this problems. But
Rob 7:25
yeah, could be. Alright, so that fits. And I think with those high expectations that they have of you, like, for example, when you have that expectation of you, they also have that a little bit of themselves. I don’t know if you know that, but they’re like, I just want to be the best there is, I don’t want anybody else to be better than me, it’s usually based in some sort of fear, like, I don’t want to look bad, or they just don’t want to feel like they’re out of control that kind of thing. And, you know, if you, if you mess that up, you’re pretty much on the outs, then right there, they’re gonna like say, See and get rid of you, and they’re never gonna talk to you again, which is crazy, because you might be fully capable of doing whatever job there is. But
Lane 8:04
so you’ve we’ve kind of covered kind of what those personality is, I know, they don’t sound entirely entirely positive. So are there are there some some strengths for a D that really shine?
Rob 8:16
You know, that’s interesting, too, because you’re right, there are some very good strengths that they have. And although they come across what I just described a little bit, they come across as negative, there are some strengths that they have in terms of related to that. So for example, they like to speak very candidly, they’ll speak in facts, they’ll speak very directly, they’re the kind of person that you’ll know exactly where you stand at any given moment. So for example, I think of particular leader that’s out there in the world today, or who by the time you listen to this, maybe in previous years, let’s say, who will pretty much tell you like it is and say I don’t think you did a good job, or I don’t believe what you said, or I don’t like you very much, basically. And and they’ll say it very publicly, folks like that are high D personalities because they speak as facts. And there’s no debate over it. They know this is the way they feel. And they want to make sure you know what they feel. They have a strength that is good, because they like to talk and speak in factual language. I’m not sure there’s no waffling back and forth. It’s either yes. Or it’s No. Or if they have a an alternate or a second personality. They could bring in some of that, but only because they don’t have enough information that they should. But usually they can make decisions so quickly. It’s not even funny. Like, if they have 60% of the information they need. They’ll say, Good enough, oh, make a decision. The answer is and whatever that is, and this is what we’re doing.
Lane 9:47
And even though and by that no matter what, Oh,
Rob 9:49
yes. And yeah, and it doesn’t matter even if the team says Oh, hang on, hang on. I don’t think we thought about all this and he’s like, I don’t care. You know what I mean? He or she either one and women can be Heidi’s as well. So don’t take that. away from add whoever they are male or female, don’t take it away from them. They’re good at making decisions. I respect it. Because as a person on the opposite end of the scale, I’ll hem and haw try to make an analysis go on way too long, right? But this type of personality, you don’t want to get in their way with that. So once they get to 50% 60% decision, it’s a go. And let’s go take it out of the way and make them understand that’s a good decision.
Lane 10:24
And that’s what we should be doing. prioritize your facts when you talk to them.
Rob 10:27
Essentially, yes, you want to make sure that but more important than prioritizing your facts, prioritizing what they want to know is even more important. They may say, I want to know x. And then I want to know why. And then I want to know z, don’t start at a start at x and say, All right, let’s talk about excellent. And and if somebody asked you as a person D personality, and says, I want to talk about x, you can say, All right, let’s talk about that. But before we do, why did you pick X to talk about first, because you want them to explain what the rationale and the thought processes? And once you understand what that thought process is, for that particular question, whatever that is, you’ll actually get enough information to go Okay, here’s what they need to know. And you can give them those answers. And you can get those answers pretty quickly to them. And they’ll go, Okay, good. Let’s move on to the next one. Because now they understand this is what that answer is and understand how it affects them. Right? slowing it down for them is slowing it down just enough for them to process and make decisions and make sure that they have decided that that one issue or that one question is solved so that you can move on to the next question, their question or yours. Does that make sense? Yeah, absolutely. And and then I think the other thing is, is that what’s really interesting with them, because they decide very, very quickly, remember that they’re the kind of people that will say, follow me, this is where we’re going versus what do you think we should do with this? So typically, a Heidi, what I found, for example, one time I was in a retail operation, one time, I was trying to open up a store. And I was one of the many people that were in the team that was doing it, I wasn’t running the store at the time, and the guy that was running the store was a bit of a high D. And what he said to us, we’re going to do this whole event before we open, it’s going to be internal, it’s going to be for the corporate office to come in. We’re going to do all these fun things, blah, blah, blah, blah. And he’s giving us I want, I want t shirts, I want them to say this, I want you to do this, I want you to I want a band, and I want this. I want chickens and whatever. You know, he was coming up with all these weird things you’re like, and everybody was like, okay, Is this real? Is this what we’re doing? But guess what, that’s what we were doing. We This is he already planned it all out? Follow me. This is where we’re going. This is what was happening. There’s no real questioning. The only questions you’re gonna ask is, well, how many chickens did you want? That’s really the question. You’re gonna say, Yeah, right. So Well, I
Lane 12:41
do I jump.
Rob 12:42
Yeah, when you’re working for a high D, that’s what ends up happening. And when you’re selling to Heidi, it’s a little bit the same way. But then you have to come back and ask the appropriate questions that relate to the problem and the pain that they’re experiencing, so that they can answer more clearly, rather than saying, just do this, and that’s what I want. Because if he just says to you, hey, just make me a website. What’s not that hard? No, it’s not that hard. But it’s not gonna be what you want.
Lane 13:05
Right? Exactly.
Rob 13:06
Yeah. So I can make you a website. I’m gonna make a simple website, one pager, what do you want to say on it? Because it’ll be one word. That’s all he has to say. Right? But that’s not what he wants. So you have to kind of figure out well, how do we get through that part. And I think the other thing to do is to not taking things personal for them, because they’re, they’re the kind of person who, because they’re the follow me kind of people. They’re the ones that are so impersonal. They don’t seem to get to know you very well, or they don’t feel like they do, even though they probably do know you and they know your weakness very, very well. And they will push that button because they’re good at knowing what people need to push and make things happen.
Lane 13:39
motivation. Yeah,
Rob 13:40
yeah. That said, Don’t take it personal. It’s just the way they are. They’re really transactional, they’re more transactional than more than like, personable, if you will, is the best way to put it. So does that make sense?
Lane 13:51
Yeah, absolutely. You’ve kind of covered the the positives. What about the real negatives? What are they not good at?
Rob 13:57
While there’s a lot of a lot of things that they’re not good at, as you probably got a feeling, but it comes across a little bit? Like they’re negative kind of people, but they’re really not. I mean, they think about the people that are out there that are high DS, they’re typically CEOs, there. Are people high ranking, they get stuff done for obvious reasons. Like, I’m not taking that from an answer, no, this is what we’re doing. And they don’t have problem telling you that. So they’re good in terms of running companies and running organizations. Sometimes they’re not so good at hanging on to people. But you know, that’s what happens. So some of their weaknesses can be that they’re not good at hanging on to people, they’re not good at dealing with the personal stuff, they don’t get involved in some of the decision making. So I had a DEA one time where I was talking to, and he’s like, you know what, I’ve heard enough. I think we’re gonna go with this. That’s perfectly fine. Now I need you to just work with the rest of the team. And like, we haven’t gotten a contract signed or anything like that. Hold it here. So I had to stop and say, Oh, yeah, before you take off, I just wanna make sure I understand here. If when we get done with our meeting, and the four of us sitting here, you’ve left now, just to make sure that I’m on the same page. I write this up, right Now, as we’ve talked discussed right now, they can sign for it right now. Is that what you’re asking me to do? Because I don’t have problem with that at all. And he goes, No, that’s fine. Yep. They know what to do they know what they do. They know the budget, every we’ve already talked about all that. It’s fine. Okay. You know, because they we had already, as a group talked a little bit about the budget, we’ve already talked about all the different elements that needed to go into it. And knowing what the deliverables were, he was just like, I’m done. I already made a decision. The team needed more time. And he was okay with that. And he toss it to the team, I just need to make sure that when he leaves that they have the power to say yes, yeah. And I think I even at the end of the before he walked out and say, one last time, just before you leave, they’re not gonna have to take this to you afterwards, right? They don’t have to say, Okay, we got the information here. But let’s take it to you one more time, Joe, or whoever it is, right? Because I need a final decision. They’ve got this or do we need to have you just come back here in a few minutes? And he’s like, No, I don’t need to be involved. They can make the decision. That person right there can sign for it. I’m okay with it’s fine. Okay. And when he left that, everybody went, Okay, good, we’re good. We’re good. We’re good. Because they all knew that it didn’t matter. They knew that he was on board and ready to go. And they would make the rest of it happen.
Lane 16:05
Right, right. Yeah. You know, what’s
Rob 16:07
that? What also strikes me as interesting is, is that they didn’t like to get into the details of a lot of things. So they’ll forget to tell you stuff if they give you directions, like your website guy when he was Oh, yes. Oh,
Lane 16:17
Rob 16:18
He will tell you what color it is. He won’t tell you the he won’t give you a color palette profile or branding, branding guidelines. I can’t give you any of that. He’s gonna go
Lane 16:27
until, yeah, this
Rob 16:29
is not right. Yeah, that’s what he’s gonna do. He’s like, well, this is not what I want, right. So you’re gonna have to pull a lot from them. They’re big picture people. They’re the ones that just like, I’ve got this whole idea, I want to go here, and I want to go there. So I when I was in retail, I also had this bit of a beat D personality, because you end up growing the D personality, whether you like it or not when you’re running a store. And I remember one time, once every week, we’d have the big sales every week, because not one particular item on sale. And one week we had cereal on sale. And I said to the guy that was running my supermarket area, I said, What I would like to have is a big cereal display in the very front of the store as you first walk in. And then above that, I want this big. No, this is crazy. I said this. I know it’s crazy. And I said I want this big bowl hanging there. And I want you I said you know how they got these things where there’s like there’s a faucet and the water is running. But the thing it looks like it’s hanging there by itself and the water’s running the whole time. Yeah, I wanted that in the front of my store. And he’s like, I can’t do that. How would you find that? Yeah, yeah, that’s what he’s like, Where am I supposed to find this. But again, this is a deep personality, oh, this is what I want. No, he didn’t end up doing it. But he did build a cool display that I would have not come up with. And it was probably better than my idea. But the idea was, give them something bigger to stretch for and he would go do it. So there’s a deeper, so that’s one of those strengths is they’ll make you stretch a little bit. And that’s one of those positive things on the weak side is they won’t give any details. And they won’t tell you what to do to get there. The other thing they like to do is just kind of give away the responsibility. They’ll give it to everybody else. And then when it comes right down to it, just like you said with a website is they’ll come back and go, you know, that’s not what I want. Because they’re the final say, right? So Right, right.
V/O 18:06
Do you have a question about sales? call or text your question at 60870? Wait, slow, at 608-788-7569. Or you can email them to questions at the slow pitch back calm. Now, back to the show.
Lane 18:26
So we talked about the good and the bad about a D personality is one thing we haven’t kind of talked about is what really motivates what makes them tick.
Rob 18:34
Yeah, there’s, there’s a couple things that really drive them. One is if there’s a deadline coming up, they will make it happen. Like they’re good at getting things done. And they’re proud of it. And they want to be able to talk about, Hey, I did this, I did this, I did this and you notice it’s all about I I that’s okay, that’s okay. Because when they say I in their head, they’re thinking we, but they just don’t say it out loud. Because they don’t want to give credit always, most, listen, again, I’m going to the extremes. This is not the real, absolute hardcore, this is what they’re like, but it is a taste and a feel for what they’re like. And you’ll know what they look like and feel like when you’re selling to them. Because that’s what it feels like it’s I I there’s no way there’s all me I did this. The other thing is I like to just, you know, they’ll they’ll they’ll make a decision very quickly. And they want to make that decision quickly. And I don’t care if they have all the information or not. I know we talked about that earlier as one of their strengths. But that’s the end game. That’s what they were getting to they may there’s nothing better than going to their checklist and going check done. That’s good. I’m done with that one.
Lane 19:37
You call that a strength but I personally would call that a weakness because you’re an inmate. That’s just my personality trait. You know, as a See, without all the facts, how do you know you’re actually making the right decision? You get through 60% of the facts and you make a judge lot of variation.
Rob 19:51
Right. There’s a lot more that can go wrong with that last 40% Yeah, they don’t care. They don’t care. You know why? Because if they’ve seen enough so they’ll make the decision what Feels like to you is only on 60% of the information to them, it feels like I’ve seen this before, right? 85%, that’s good enough, let’s go. And that’s the difference is what their approach is. And what they’re feeling is toward the amount of data they have. They feel like I know, I’m not I don’t have all the information. I never will, I could do this all day long. But it doesn’t really matter. I’ve seen this before. And I know enough, if they don’t know, or they haven’t seen it before, it changes a little bit. But for the most part, their goal is to make a decision. That’s what their watch what drives them a lot is making decisions and making decisions for other people. One time I had a potential client so that they make the decisions for their team that they’ll get it done. And even if the team doesn’t, they’re gonna make sure that it gets done, their thing is all about getting things done getting it over the finish line, you know, driving it to the to the end. Now, I say that, but at the same time, it’s not an easy relationship. But sometimes high DS and high seas working together will give you a better benefit and a better value long term as a company. So right everything looks like it’s supposed to and goes like it’s supposed to, you know, when you did your call, my guess is you probably got on the phone with somebody that was high ranking in the company. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. So those, those are usually the situations they’re usually the CEOs, the founders, the exact lot of time. Yeah. Okay. And sometimes lawyers, if you ever noticed, they can, yeah, they can be Heidi’s as well, because they’re make decisions. One of these that I wrote down as a as a high D for when we talked about this was just even operations, guys, people that are managing other people. If you’re a good strong operations person, you can you should be able to make decisions quickly. And I’ve just seen it too many times that those are all the roles that ends up coming in even thinking about the police to police officers. Have you ever notice? Oh, yeah. They don’t take crap from anybody, right? No, no, this is what you’re doing. Okay. Yes, that’s what we’re doing. That’s kind of the personality you need to think of when you have ID. So I hope that helps. That gives you a little indication of who they are. Right?
Lane 21:52
Yeah, absolutely. So that’s, that’s very helpful. I want to bring this back to the whole point of us being here. How do I sell to these guys? How do I sell to the D,
Rob 22:00
here’s my best advice, I can give somebody that’s trying to sell to a D stay out of their way. Here’s what I mean, even with all these descriptions, it’s really tough to know if they’re a high D. And so I don’t want you to just talk to somebody on the phone and assume their ID, if you’re cold calling, they may sound like somebody who’s a high D. But quite honestly, it’s just somebody that says is bothered, they’re like, Don’t talk to me, I don’t wanna talk to you. And that’s not really high D. That’s just somebody being rude to get you a phone. Right? So. So when you deal with a D, then very, you know, you’re going to need to verify this, I think to me, when you’re talking to somebody on the phone, or when you’re getting when you’re first meeting, if you’re not sure, although you have a feeling that there, Heidi, what you might start to do with ask some preliminary questions that say something along the lines of, you know, when I’ve had these meetings before, sometimes I I talked to somebody and they just need the high level they want to see, what does this mean? Or what is my service all about? Really high level? What is it that you can do for me, and that’s really what they want to know. And we’ll get into a little bit of detail, but most of the questions are going to be about stuff that are high level. And then they have other people that kind of say, Listen, I kind of have an idea of what you do. But I want to know, what are some of the details that you’re going to cover for me? What are you going to let’s get into the granular side of things. Let’s really get into the nitty gritty details of this and really have to ask that question of which side are you on? Are you a high level person? Are you more of the detail kind of a person? And by asking that question, their answer will tell you, are they high d? Are they not a high D makes sense?
Lane 23:34
Yeah, absolutely.
Rob 23:35
Yeah. And then I think they if they’re a high D, then you’ll know pretty quickly by that answer. If they start saying things like, well, I need to bring in the team or I need to do others with other people. Or if you’re sitting there your first meeting, and four other people are sitting there with you, they’re probably not a high D, you would think that they are now so when you start talking, you’ll verify if they are in if they come across as a D with their team or not. But a lot of times, if they’re bringing the whole team in on the first meeting, they’re not a Heidi, they’ll bring the team in later and say, Okay, this is what we’re doing. Let’s talk some details and let them work it out. Hash it out. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. And then sometimes when you’re sitting in the meeting, if you’re paying attention, do they need other people’s opinions? When you look up something on their computer to figure out if this is this accurate? or want to know if it’s my saying that’s right, because a Heidi is like, I don’t care if I say I don’t care if I say it right or not. What I said is what it is right? versus somebody that’s not a Heidi, they may go You know what, let me check on that. I don’t know the answer, and then look it up and then give you the right answer. So there’s a lot there’s a different ways that you can ask questions to start to understand who they are. So then, you know, they’re a Heidi, how do you sell to them and the other way, you’re gonna know that their ideas are gonna go, you don’t need to kind of nudge them along, they’re nudging you, you know, that’s the other way to do it. It’s kind of a feel, you’ll feel it all the way through. So the way that you’re going to sell to these folks is think about in terms of where they are and where they’re ready to buy. So sometimes I I say to somebody like on a scale of one to 10, how likely are you to buy right And sometimes that question, and I wouldn’t word it quite like that. But it’s something like when I’m trying to say, right, so I’m trying to get a gauge for where they are. I’m not saying that you’re going to ask this question early on or during your sales process. But what you’re going to do is you’re going to have to get this feel for how excited are they to buy? How many buying signals are they giving you and saying this is I’m ready to go, I’m ready to go Ready to go? And how many are there saying in terms of signals? I don’t trust you yet. I don’t think it’s ready. I’m not time. It’s not time. It’s not time. It’s not time, right? You’ll feel it as you talk. And when you’re dealing with IDs, they’re gonna push, they’re gonna push to the Let’s go, or they’re gonna push, get out what one of the two, right, push the buy or push Get out of my office? And you’ll know there’s zero or 10? Yeah, it’s Yeah, there’s no there is no in between those folks. Usually, if you feel like they’re on their push to the buy side, then you just need to get more toward the, I’m not sure it’s a good time. And I’m not sure you’re ready to buy kind of an attitude. Because the more that you stay in a sense behind them in the way that they’re buying and the way that they’re heading towards their attitude towards the sale, the more that you do that, the more likely that they’re going to make a decision and buy or if they feel like they’re the kind of person that’s and the more on the other side, which is on the zero side, which is I don’t think I really want to buy this is the way it feels right? Without saying it, then your job is to stay further away from that. So if they say, you know, I’m not sure this is all fitting into what our scope is looking for, or what we imagined, this being in terms of the project, it doesn’t look like this is working very well, you could tell they’re not ready to buy, right? Yep. So your answer is going to have to be something along the lines of Yeah, I didn’t think so I feel like this is not a very good fit here. I don’t feel like it’s fitting in very well, should we just kind of call it like they want to make a decision. So call it or they say call it for them. But tell them I understand I’m here with you. Right. And they’ll they’ll have no problem telling you. Yeah, let’s call it done. All right, great. Well, I really appreciate your time, folks like that when their ID and they’re in that position, call it and let them say, Yep, that’s good. Make the decision, help them make the decision by getting them to that point. If they’re on the other side, and they’re ready to buy. And you say let’s Is there anything else that you can think of that we should be talking about? Because I feel like there might be another question in there. I know you, you know, you’ve got a lot of great questions. I mean, are you sure this is this is the right direction you want to go? And what does that do when they’re very confident decision maker? Yep. This is the way I want to go. They say there’s no uncertainty here. Yeah, yeah. Why are you even asking me that question, right. But the more that you stay to their, I wouldn’t say subservient level, but you’re going to be a little behind them, you’re going to be the one that’s going to be having to be pulled along. And all along the sale, you should be pulled along, whether it’s a D and I and S or a C, it doesn’t really matter. Each of them are going to need you to be pulled, not push them ever, ever, ever, never ever, ever pushed them because they just do not buy when you push every time or they delay. And if you’re pushing somebody, yeah, in another type of disc profile, they’ll they’ll delay. And when that happens, you might be in trouble.
Lane 28:05
I can see that. And it makes me think of when I was out buying a car. And I went in looking at wanting to look at one model. And they didn’t want to show me that model. They wanted me to buy a different model. Nice. They taught me to test driving. And I’m like, Yeah, that’s a great car. But that’s not what I want. Yeah. And very suddenly, they were not willing to talk about a deal at all. So Wow, that, yeah, it was very easy for me to make that decision. Yeah. All right, I’m out of here. I’m off to the next to the ship.
Rob 28:31
Yeah. And it’s interesting because that in that scenario, you are the buyer, and you’re trying to push to go in a direction and they’re trying to pull you in a different direction. That’s a little bit of a turnoff. So when I say get behind numbers stay away from getting in their way of going towards that level 10, if you will, it’s not so much about not showing them what they want to see, right. It’s a feeling that you had, which was alright, that’s crazy. I don’t want to deal with you people I’m talking these are the these are the kinds of individuals that you want to stay out of their way to make a decision. So when they’re deciding they don’t want to go in the sale direction, help them decide this is not a sale for you, if they’re heading in the direction of I want to buy, help them decide that they want to buy by questioning and pulling back and pulling them away from that sale a little bit. Because the more that you pull them away, the more that they feel like I want to I want to I want to buy this, I want to buy this. Right, right? It’s kind of I know, it’s weird, but that when you’re dealing with a high D in a sale, it’s kind of like when you go date out dating, and the harder you are to acquire meaning you don’t answer your phone reasonably. You’re you that little cat and mouse game that’s happening in the beginning of any relationship where you’re you go on and your first date, and then you don’t call like what’s the rule? Like? Is it two days, three days? everybody’s like, I don’t know when I shouldn’t call you. That’s the whole game. And it’s the same thing and sales in a sense, help them understand that that’s the right decision by asking a few more questions and making sure they’re confident. So I hope that helps. Does that help you with a high D personality? Yeah, I
Lane 29:57
think I’m much more prepared for for this. This meeting next week. So
Rob 30:01
thank you. Alright, until next time. See you later,
Lane 30:04
V/O 30:06
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