Sales and DISC – The C Personality

C Personality and DISC in Sales - The Slow Pitch Sales Podcast ep 13
C Personality and DISC in Sales - The Slow Pitch Sales Podcast ep 13
The Slow Pitch Sales Podcast
Sales and DISC - The C Personality


DISC, Sales, and the C Personality

In this episode, we talk about the C Personality. Selling isn’t easy, but knowing who you’re dealing with helps a great deal. In this episode, we discuss the C Personality, what they’re like, what they need and how to sell to them.

We also talk DiSC Profiles, how they evolve in each of us and how to sell to each personality. This is the fourth episode that deals with DiSC in sales.

The C Personality is analytical and slow to make decisions because they want to make sure they have all the data they need to make solid decisions. What happens if you want to make a sale? It takes a bit longer. You can speed it up a little by asking the right questions. We talk about that too in this episode.

If you wonder if you’re a High C or don’t know which personality profile you are, you can check it out at Crystal Knows for free. This website is completely separate from The Slow Pitch and all information provided to them stays with them.

Other Episodes You Might Like:

How to Sell to a D Personality

How to Sell to an I Personality

How to Sell to an S Personality

Additional Resources:

Crystal Knows:

Crystal Knows:

The Episode

Rob 0:00
Use data, facts, figures, ask them to explain it from their perspective from all directions. Bring up those different scenarios, make them talk through all the things that they’ve already thought about because they know they have

Welcome back. Welcome back, everybody. And hey, I see Lane over there, Lane. What’s happening? How you doing?

Lane 0:28
I’m doing all right, Rob, how are you today?

Rob 0:30
Good. We going all right, we got you probably selling like crazy over there. You don’t know what to do with yourself anymore, right?

Lane 0:34
Words can’t describe Words can’t describe Rob? Well, that’s

Rob 0:39
good. What do you want to talk about today?

Lane 0:42

let’s see. The other day I was talking to someone. And they kept asking for more information. The more I gave her, the more she asked for. You know, I found myself wanting to say, Don’t you have enough already? You know, what more do you need? Jeez. So not only that, but she was very, very serious. There was absolutely no joking around with her. It was a little intimidating.

Rob 1:09
All right. Well, that’s interesting. That sounds like that potentially, could be the dreaded c personality. And I say dreaded, I mean that nicely for all the C’s out there. Right. And I think, Lane you’re a little bit of a C sometimes. So I think I should be careful and tread lightly. Right?

So you might be might be on the spectrum to there, Rob. Possibly, possibly. Well, if you haven’t encountered SC, or if you haven’t gone to C, and have not been able to figure them out, don’t know exactly how to handle them, you kind of get into the weeds with them.

And you’re like, oh, boy, we need to figure out how to get out of this. Well, guess what you’re in for a treat, because today’s episode is going to be all about how to sell to a C personality. And by the way, if you’re new here, I’m Rob. And I’m Lane. And today we’re going to talk about how to sell to a C personality. Let’s get started.

V/O 2:02
This is the Slow Pitch Podcast.

Rob 2:06
Before we get too far, I probably should say that C’s are a bit of an interesting animal, let’s say? Of course we are Yes, of course we are. So there can be a little difficult to understand or hard to get to know, particularly if you don’t put a little time and to get to know but fortunately for people that are listening, we have two of them as hosts.

So right here, right now you get to see personalities, this is going to be interesting. Yes, it is. It should be really interesting and might be boring for a lot of people, you know, the depersonalized or even now I personally, you’re probably gonna be like, Oh, good lord, is there another episode again, let’s do something else I can, like I said, this is this is like watching paint dry?

Lane 2:46
You know, that could be I don’t know, well, I’m a little worried here, Rob, because I’m afraid of what I’m going to hear about myself. And I sure it’s very true.

Rob 2:56
Yes. And you should be afraid be very, very, very afraid. And today, what we are going to talk about is we’re gonna start with some of the disk stuff and and then we’ll get into what a C personality is how to talk to a C, how to sell to a C, the basics of selling when you know you’re in front of a C personality, because it’s it’s a little bit different than the stuff that we’ve been talking about for the other ones.

So I have a question for you. And when you started the conversation, what were they like? And by that? I mean, when you spoke to them? Were they slower in speech or faster in speech?

Lane 3:33
Well, I’m just thinking about myself here real fast. Yeah,

Rob 3:38
no, one overanalyze this now, there you go, you’re thinking way too hard. There’s no indication of a see. So yes, so this person was probably a little bit of a slow to get started, you asked him a question. And when you asked her a question, did she start to say, huh, let me think about that, if you ever do some of those types of things?

Lane 3:59
Yeah, we have more than more than once. Yeah,

Rob 4:02
I would imagine. Alright, so, you know, there’s a part of me that when we kind of went started talking in the beginning here that it sounded like, you know, you got somebody to ask him for a bunch of information. And that’s not unusual when you’re in sales call anyway.

Because nothing better when you’re trying to buy something, than to get somebody to give you all the free information you can, right. So if I want to learn about how to make a website, I’m going to start asking you a whole bunch of crap, how do I do this?

How do I do that? And and when I do that, I’m really just trying to get information from me. All right. So that was it. That kind of a scenario where she was asking all these questions and more information, or was it? Was it something more than that?

Lane 4:37
Yeah, well, there’s a lot about, you know, what about this? What about that? If we did this, what, you know, what, what are the repercussions for that? So it was just, it was just very end up.

Rob 4:49
Okay. So one tip I would always give to anybody is when somebody starts asking you questions, if they ask you a question, make sure you understand what they’re asking. Can you and why they’re asking you that question.

So as a C, it’s really one of those traits that you have as a C, to be able to ask, why are you doing that we’re going to get into those types of things. But the more that you understand the why behind the question that they’re asking, the better you can answer the right question.

One time, I was in a call. And they had asked me a question. And I started to answer the hurt their question, and I realized, Hmm, this actually, they could mean two different things here. I’m not sure what they mean. So I stopped. And I just asked them another question back and said, just so that I’m on the same page.

Sometimes when I hear that question, I think I hear this as a potential reason why you’re asking, or the other thing that comes out is it’s this that you’re asking, Is it one of those? Or is it neither of those? And I found out that particular time, that what I thought was the answer was actually the wrong direction.

That was not what they were looking for. And so I would rather know that ahead of time and earlier, so that I could prevent having to even answer the question, because I don’t have to, and I’m not a good fit. So I would rather just rule them out and disqualify them, because it was not something that I could do from a sales perspective.

But if they were going the other way, I could have at least asked some more questions and got some more detail. So I asked that question. And I suggest to people, when you hear people asking you questions, before you answer it, always make sure you understand why they’re asking that question of you.

Lane 6:25
That’s kind of a tough practice to be in, though to, to turn a question around on someone when they ask you a question. And why are you asking me that? And I know you have to be a little more smooth than that. I’m just throwing it out there. But how do you really get to a point where you can smoothly do that?

Rob 6:45
You would be surprised? It’s not as difficult as you think. Because if you come across as asking the question, like you’re genuinely trying to figure out, what are they asking? Sometimes I just am confused. Sometimes I’ve had the other day, I had a conversation with somebody.

And I said, I’m, I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand what you’re asking me. Because I’m, you know, maybe I didn’t hear you writer. I didn’t understand you correctly. Can you rephrase that a different way. And they just said it a different way. And I went, Okay, now I know what they’re talking about.

Another time that I asked the question in a slightly different way, and basically just said, I’m not sure I understand. Are you asking me if it does x, or if it does y? And once I asked that, then we started to get into the nitty gritty of what they were asking me.

And then you can actually answer the right question. It’s really about making sure and if you’re genuine and asking the question, it’s really about making sure that you are answering their question the correct way. So always think about it is not just re re questioning them, or putting the question back around on them.

It’s more about understanding what their question is, so that you’re actually going to be able to answer their question. But it does two things, you can answer their correct question. But it also lets you know, their motivation behind their question. So that you can now dig into that a little further.

Lane 8:03
So I guess just turn around and saying, hey, let me rephrasing their question. And did I hear you correctly? That’s not while you, while it demonstrates you understand what they’re asking? You’re not going to get the motivation from them at that point?

Rob 8:17
Potentially, was there a question in there that I was supposed to answer?

Lane 8:21
Very good.

Rob 8:23
So, but yes, you’re correct. When you when you go to down that route, you may not understand the motivation. If you don’t understand. That’s why you would ask the question back. So we went through that so that we could better understand what their questions are and why they’re asking it.

And now that we know that it wasn’t about them trying to get more information out of us, it was just because they’re a high C, it sounds like and because they’re icy, they’ve got to know more answers to more questions before they can make their full decision.

And that’s really what a C is all about. People who are C’s are often referred to particularly with a disc profile as very analytical. They’re very logical. They’re, they think, way more than they probably should. They are perfectionist.

They’re they’re what the reason they call them this, the high seas or their c personalities is because it’s based on they’re very conscientious. They’re very compliant oriented, meaning they’re very aware of all the elements that can go in.

And they want to make sure that they analyze all those pieces, all the possible outcomes before they make any sort of decision or before they know what they’re going to be doing next. Does that make sense? So that’s why they came up with that ice thing.

Lane 9:36
Yeah. Unfortunately, it makes a lot of sense, explains me, that explains me.

V/O 9:42
Do you have a question about sales call or text your question at 608708 slow, that’s 608787569 or you can email them to questions at the slow pitch back calm. Now, back to the show.

Rob 9:54
Where do

you want to start with the whole disk thing? And

Lane 10:05
yeah, I probably did the, you know, give folks who are just joining us, maybe the very high level of disk and and, and then I guess we can dive into the specifics of the C personalities.

Rob 10:16
Yeah. All right. So this was just for a refresher for everybody. If you haven’t listened to some of the other episodes, we’ve gone through this a little bit before. So you may need to fast forward like 30 or 40 seconds, if you you know, that kind of thing.

Don’t if you don’t want to do on a reminder here. So the disc was a behavior assessment tool based on the theory from a psychologist, which kind of centers on four basic personality traits, pretty much the high D is a dominant personality, the eye is the influencer personality, the S is the steady personality, and the C is the conscientious personality.

There’s varying words that fit with each of these. But those are the primary ones a lot of lot of folks out there talk about, this was primarily developed into a behavioral assessment tool in the industrial psychology world, to better understand what people are motivated by and why they do the things that they do.

And so that’s kind of why it’s really important to understand this. Because it’s not just understanding why they do what they do. It’s understanding how they buy and how they make decisions, that makes a big impact on sales. Does that make sense?

Lane 11:20

Rob 11:20
So I think that’s a high level for everybody that hasn’t listened before. And on, we’re gonna have a link where you can look at a bunch of different disc information. So you can understand all that different elements that go into each one of those if you want to. And we’ll have links to the other previous episodes as well.

But let’s dive into the C personalities because I feel like that’s where we’re really going to get some good some get some good information about Lane and what he’s all about, but also about this lady that you were dealing with. Right, so. So let’s what do we think we let’s dig into the traits? What do you think? Yeah, let’s do it. Alright, see personalities, love information.

They just love it. They like to show off their ex. Yeah, jack. Yeah. They like to show off their expertise. I mean, in a sense, here’s, here’s the funny thing. A C will show off their personality subtly. By asking a question, they’ll be like, Well, why? Why do we need to do that? Because they know, they may know.

They don’t really need to do that piece. So they’ll ask the question just to make the other person know, hey, I understand. This is why we do this, but we really don’t have to do we? So if there’s a motivation behind it, it could be I don’t want to do it. They can use it in that way too. Right?

Lane 12:36
Yeah, I’ve, I’ve done the whole, I’m just asking a question to ask a question. Uh huh. Yeah, I already know the answer. But yes, I’m guilty as charged. Yes, yes.

Rob 12:47
The other thing they like to do is be very accurate. And they like the stability of knowing here’s what’s going on. This is all accurate information. There’s nothing more frustrating to a high C personality than somebody who’s presenting information.

That is, there’s errors all the way through it, or it’s built on a premise that doesn’t make any sense. So if somebody is trying to sell something or talk to you, as a high C, you’re looking at it and going, Well, that doesn’t make sense. So you’re gonna start poking holes, and that’s what he does.

The C’s, I think they should be called instead of conscientious, they should be called hole pokers. That’s what they should be calling. Because that’s what they do. They love to challenge things. They like to be analytical. They like to look at things just in a different way to make sure that it’s the right thing. It’s accurate.

They just wanna make sure that it’s accurate. What’s weird is they’re also very systematic, like they have a process that, you know, they don’t like to vary from their process. Now, if this is the way they do things, and this is the way they do things, I’m sure lane, you probably are not this way.

But I would assume you have a certain way that you like to, you know, put food in the pantry, or there’s a certain way you like to put things in the fridge so that it’s organized in such a way.

Lane 14:04
Yeah, oh, yeah. Drives everyone else in the house. Crazy, too.

Rob 14:07
Yeah. And it’s, it’s so that you know where to find it when you go back? That’s it. Yeah. And you don’t have to look right. It’s very logical, a very logical like, I listen, if the ketchup is going to be in the door on the left, that’s where I should find it every time. Right? That’s it.

If you’re living with a high eye, who says their space there, I’ll just put it there. On the back shelf on the far right hand side, guess who’s never going to find that? The high C, but the eye is going to look anywhere because that’s what they do so that the system makes sense to the C to others. It doesn’t make as much sense, which is weird to me. That’s weird.

I don’t know, maybe it’s not as weird. They could also overuse it too. So obviously with that example, that is a little bit of a weird thing that they try to you know, overuse it a little bit more than they should but the on the flip side of that if they don’t have all the data and all the information, they’re not going to move on to the next step, or they’re not going to move on to making a decision until they figure it out or know all the data that they need to know to make a decision. It’s hard.

They’re not the kind of people that say, Hey, I’m at 80%. Good enough. That’s not good enough not to hear about 98 or 99%. And the last one, or 2%, is just not fundable. Unless you were working at NASA. Otherwise, it’s not good enough, right. So I think that’s, that’s I think, where people don’t understand Cs is that you need to make sure that when you’re talking to them, that they’re getting their questions answered.

But there’s a point of losing a sale, because you’re giving all the information away that you don’t really need to be giving away. So to be a little careful. The other thing that sees tend to not do is acknowledge other people’s feelings. They’re a little bit, not aloof, but they’re a little bit unaware of other people’s feelings, they may be aware of their own in some way.

But they’re very much not in tune with other people’s feelings, and emotions. Fact, what’s weird, and we’ll get into that too, a little bit in a little bit, but what type of workplace they fit into really well, also, there’s an emotional connection to that.

And high seas are really good at researching things. And they’re also very much and because they’re researchers, they like to work by themselves. If they can get away with it, they would just assume, leave me alone, put me in my book, put me in my corner.

Let me read let me do my computer work, whatever I need to do, but don’t come into the room unless you have to. And I’m only leaving the room because I have to go the bathroom. Otherwise, I’m not coming back out of the bathroom while they’re out of the room. You know what I mean?

So the other thing that that sees do is they focus on what ifs, they do all these analysis and what’s going to happen kind of like run scenarios in their head. I’ve even seen sees myself included, run a scenario based on price, what could happen if price varied by x? And then what do I need to do to make a decision so that I can make that purchase or not make that purchase?

You know, what, how crazy is that? But you when you start running those numbers in those scenarios? You go, Okay, well, this would be good. Okay, I can, I can do that. And finally, it’s one of those things where somebody says, Rob, just just make a decision already, would you like it’s okay, that’s when I go, Okay, stop analyzing.

So sometimes I forget that I need to stop analyzing, and, oh, I gotta make a decision here, right. So and then the other thing is, is they’re good at solving problems. So they’re the whole pokers, they can see your issues can come up. ln of you ever had this where you’re, you’re talking to somebody, and they’re come up with this great idea. They’re like, I have this idea. I think we should do this. And then you go in your back your head or you say, you go, that’ll never work? Because,

Lane 17:58
yeah, because of A, B, C, D, E and F.

Rob 18:03
And you say, pick one and the other person goes, What are you talking about? That’s not an issue. They don’t see it. But yeah, you can see it. So it’s it. Yeah. And C’s can be very creative because of that, because they, they can possibly invent things that will solve problems, because you’re like, Well, here, I can fix this.

And I can fix that. And all of a sudden, now, I’ve got this, this solution that’s going to solve that problem. And I know that’s gonna help a lot of people. So there’s some creativity that goes along with that, too.

Lane 18:33
And they’re usually very simple solutions. Yes, in my head is very simple. Why do you not see this the way? I do?

Rob 18:41
Yes. So think about too, if you’re a high C, what kind of a job does a high C typically have? Think about engineers think about, you know, software people or even architects and a lot of engineers admin, that type of thing.

Analysts, financial analysts, oh, that’s like heaven for the high seas, you know, Oh, man. All right. So but how about on a team, so if you’re working with somebody in a sale, and they’re part of a team, know that they’re typically pretty loyal.

But in a meeting setting, they’ll they’ll be a little bit of an anchor in reality. So here’s what I mean by that somebody goes off base from where you should be that C might step up and go,

Hey, here’s why that doesn’t work. And we can do that. But here’s what we need to do first, then second, then third, in order to get to that to happen. So there’s a value in that. I mean, we joked earlier about, you know that you come up with all these reasons why it won’t work.

But there’s a huge value in a meeting and even in the sales meeting, that if you’re sitting there and they can’t seem to solve the problem that they’re running into, in your conversation. Yeah, that’s he may say, Well, here’s what we need to do for a second, third, and then we can get to that next step, which is buying this product and doing this, okay, now we know right? So they’ll help you get sale. If they see the value in that, too, they’re going to need some animal analysis that goes with that.

One of these know as to when they’re on a team, they’re typically pretty even tempered. They don’t like to verbalize emotions or talk about their feelings.

In fact they’re even the kind of people that when you’re in sale, you probably shouldn’t touch them at all. I think when we talked about the I personality, you made the comment. Yeah, I don’t I don’t want people to touch touch. Don’t touch me. Right?

It’s like, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it’s and that’s a high C personality typically is they don’t like to be touched. So when you meet with this lady, or if you talked to this lady, again, you have to know that you have to kind of be, you know, arm’s length. And there’s no, there’s just no, I’m with you.

Yep. Yeah, she’ll you’ll fit in. what you guys have to be careful of as a high C is getting into all the details and getting the all the analysis, and really dive in so far into that, that you don’t get any salt.

So you have to be able to recognize, Alright, we’ve gotten far enough, you should be able to make a decision now, without saying those words. And so what might be a phrase that you could say, if you feel like you’ve gotten enough information for her, that she should be able to make a decision?

What might a phrase be that you could say?

Lane 21:20
I would suppose maybe something along the lines of you know? Do you have the information you need to make make a decision or make a choice?

Rob 21:28
Yes, or even even softening that just a hair more and saying, is there any other information that you think might be missing? Before you could decide, because I know that this is a big decision? I know they are valuing or evaluating X, Y, Z and offsetting and balancing.

Is there any other questions or any other information that come up that we should deal with first, before we get to the point of even getting close to finding out how much this costs? And what that does is it makes them think, oh, there might, there might be something else I’m missing?

Maybe I should be asking more questions. And the more they feel like that the more that you are in good shape, because they know that you know how important it is to get all the answers that they need to be able to make a decision. And that the focus is not about providing all the information. It’s about making a decision and getting the information to make a decision.

That’s what you’re trying to. So when you start the meeting, you might start out with a conversation. That’s kind of like, I think we gave this as an example before.

But listen, some people like really all the fine tooth details. And some people say I don’t want all the details, I want it from about a 30,000 feet level, just give me the high points and give me let me Let’s move on. And that’s how you’re going to start to figure out which one these are.

And she says, I need as much detail as possible. Okay, let’s work through that. Right, that’s going to be the part of that conversation is always keeping in mind that they need the data and information, they also have a lot of pride in doing things correctly.

They don’t, it’s like they’re perfectionist, almost to a point of fault.

Lane 23:10
And I don’t want to admit that.

Rob 23:13
And the other part of that is is it’s funny, because that kind of causes conflict in some respects. Because it may make other people frustrated with that person with a high C.

But then one of the things they don’t like is conflict. C’s don’t like conflict much. It could be to a point of a weakness. But what they really like to do is just plan as much as possible. So a C, so let’s kind of let’s kind of, since we’ve gone through a little bit of the traits of every one of them now.

You know, let’s just jump away for a second. If you think about if somebody was planning a trip, a high D personality planning a trip might look like what what might that play my height? What might a high D do to plan a trip,

Lane 23:56
a big D is going to. So big D doesn’t really, they’re not necessarily worried about the fine details. They just, they want to know that the things are gonna be taken care of.

Are we gonna have fun? This is where we’re gonna go. Let’s just get this done. Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s buy the tickets. Let’s get there.

Rob 24:19
Yeah, so I think what you’re saying too, is if you boiled it down to the extreme stupidity level, right, a bit high D might say something like, oh, we’re going on vacation. All right, let’s go.

You’re like, well, where are we going? I don’t know. We’re going on vacation. Okay. Are we going north, south, east or west? which way you want to just go? Yeah. And so yeah, that’s that’s what a big Heidi would do. What about an eye,

Lane 24:47
The I’s are going to need all the details. And they’re gonna want to know what everyone thinks about what everyone thinks or what everyone is thinking about where you should go and if you’re going to enjoy it, and if you want to This activity or that activity?

Do you want the sunshine? Do you want the snow? Do you want this? Do you want that? And it’s more important what everyone else wants to do rather than what they want to do.

Rob 25:09
In a sense. Yes. And I think it’s not as much of the detail side. But yes, all the other is like, they want to make sure that everybody’s having a good time. They want to make sure they know that we’re at, we’re just going to have a good time. It’s all we it’s all us.

It’s everybody together. We’re doing this. They can’t they plan it all together with everybody else. Where do you want to go today? Where do you want to go this day? Where do you want to eat? What kind of food do you like? What do you like?

There’s just like, that’s the kind of they’re like planning details, but they’re more about the people and not about the task of doing getting it done. Right. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So an S, what might an s sound like when they’re planning a vacation?

Lane 25:47
I feel like the s would just be more like, Alright, you know, planet and let’s all go along for the ride.

Rob 25:55
They might, they might be more inclined to involve other people to make the decision or have everybody else playing it for them and go along with Yeah, let’s have a good time.

So they’re going to involve everybody but really won’t, typically doesn’t make all the decisions. They want to make sure everybody else is getting what they need.

And then they’ll make they’ll go along with it. So and then I see what’s a high C look like when they’re planning a vacation?

Lane 26:18
I plan every waking minute of the trip.

Rob 26:20
Do you know exactly where you’re going to stop? For a break?

Lane 26:24
No, I’m not that bad. I I’ve, I’ve had to tone it down a bit. I you know, in the past, I would

Rob 26:30
have, you know, have it more planned than than what I will these days, I’m, I’ve had to learn to go with the flow a little bit. But Alright, if you were to take a high C and say a vacation planning for ice, but take it to the extreme, what would they do wrong?

Lane 26:45
extreme amount of research? Yes, you’re going to learn everything there is to know about where you’re going. You’re going to plan out each day, what you’re where you’re going to go, what you’re going to do until everyone that’s traveling with you is just sick of it.

Rob 27:01
Will they know that what time breakfast will we had?

Lane 27:05
Yes. app? Will

Rob 27:06
there be a spreadsheet? to the extreme? to the extreme?

Lane 27:10
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Rob 27:11
Yeah. to the extreme, they would they would have a spreadsheet? How many books? Would they have checked out from the library to take along with them? for research purposes?

Lane 27:20
At least half a dozen?

Rob 27:21
At least half a dozen? And and would things be planned in terms of how many miles per gallon the car can get before we have to absolutely stop, but not too close? Because we’re making sure that we don’t run out of gas as well just there’s room for variance.

And by the way, the standard error variation is 10 miles per gallon. You follow me? That’s the extreme right? So all right. So I think that’s a good exercise.

Because if you think about it in terms of planning a vacation, now you understand how they’re going to make decisions in sales. And that’s how you need to address things. So the other thing to know about us I see is that their fear, their biggest fear is criticism.

They don’t like to be wrong, they don’t like to be corrected by others. And they also don’t like a really strong display of emotion, meaning if somebody goes off the handle at them mad at them, and it takes it out on them, that is not a good scenario.

The scenario is very poor, after that the is high C will shut down, the high C will do a whole bunch of different things that everybody’s going to be a little bit different based on their experience and what their upbringing was. But that criticism, and that being like they’re being called out for being wrong is very, very negative for a C.

So the motivation on the flip side would be very peaceful situations, organized situations, anytime there’s very few conflict involved. So I like to look at that, as I, you know, for me, it’s like I live in a bubble, that would be very happy, right?

So that’s where they work the best is when they can do things that they need to do have the routines that they want and know what’s expected of them, and just be happy by themselves a lot of times, not always, but a lot. I mean, a lot of times they’re happy by themselves.

The other thing is to know is that you know, we talked about before, on this on the square of if you google what disk is on Google, you’ll see in the image, there’s a D in the high upper right hand corner, the eye is on the lower right hand corner, the S is in the lower left hand corner, and the C is on the upper left hand corner.

If you use that logic, the upper half of the square, the D and the car task oriented people and the bottom half of the square the S’s and the I’s are people focused people. So the people on the bottom, the S’s and the I’s will tend to think about other people first before they think about getting the task or what people think or feel or that kind of thing.

And then on the upper side, they think about how do we get this done in the most efficient manner and as fast as I possibly can. That’s what their job is. To me. I think if I just summarize From a strength standpoint, they’re very goal oriented. They love to analyze, planning is key.

There, they’re kind of based in reality in a sense. And they’re, you’re mostly serious people, I think we talked in the beginning of this lane. She was very, very serious. Yes, high seas come across very serious.

I have been accused several times of being very serious. When they first meet me, and then afterwards they go up, you all thought you were like that you’re a lot more serious than you are. But that’s because you just don’t know me. Right? So

Lane 30:33
yeah, that’s a good point is, you know, I wouldn’t have put two and two together that that she was a See, just because I guess I don’t look at your eye as necessary super serious people.

But when you put it into the perspective of a sales scenario, I can absolutely see how I could, I would probably look at myself the same way as to so

Rob 30:56
yeah, and I seas are guarded, usually more so than anybody else. And visually and audibly you can know, you can tell they’re just guarded is you’re not going to find out a month off about me, I’m not letting you into my inner circle, you’re not gonna know what’s going on.

In in my head, you’re not gonna do any of that, I’m just gonna make it look like I’m fine. And you’re never gonna know. And that’s the hard part. So to me that’s on the weaknesses, they just, they just, they don’t think about other people’s feelings. It’s, it’s, they don’t like to compromise a lot.

They mean, they will Don’t get me wrong, but they don’t like to socialize. They don’t, they don’t like to, you know, deal with emotions. But on the flip side as, as a, it’s a weakness and a strength is they can make very objective decisions.

The weakness of that is, is if they have a team that works for him, or if they have family members that are part of their deal, then they forget about, hey, you need to think about the person’s emotions and what they have about this situation, especially if you’re dealing with as a C dealing with an AI personality.

So it’s, it’s all about where you come from, and where you’re and what you’re dealing with, to be able to make the sale. So if you understand that you’re a C, and you’re dealing with a C, you know exactly how to deal with that person.

But if you’re a C, and you’re dealing with an AI, it’s like talking to somebody in a different language, you don’t even understand where they’re coming from. That’s the key to this whole thing. Well, I

Lane 32:17
don’t I don’t want to go too far into this without considering your feelings. So are you are you feeling okay, with how things are going this episode?

Rob 32:24
so far? So good. I mean, I don’t like to tell you my feelings. So I’m just gonna tell you, I’m fine. We’ll find them.

Lane 32:33
Most people don’t really know us. So they may not really be able to relate to that. So are there some other more well known people? You can you can point to that people might be able to understand who we are.

Rob 32:44
Yeah, when I looked it up it you know, it had to think about who is that? That sounds like a C. And first person that I thought of off the top, my head was Bill Gates, when I looked up who’s a C personality.

Bill Gates came up as one of the primary ones, but then I also found Albert Einstein, which makes a whole heck of a lot of salts make. Yeah, totally makes sense.

And so is Stephen Hawking, which makes a lot of sense, too, because, you know, he spends a lot of time thinking and going through equations, and it just backs up that we’re very brilliant. brilliant, brilliant.

That’s what I was just gonna say the same. Brilliant. Yes. So what I’m saying I think is exactly that. If you deal with a C, you’re dealing with brilliance?

Is that what we’re trying to say? Maybe, maybe, maybe not. So anyway, so those are some good examples. I think that that came up as high C personalities.

Lane 33:36
Okay, how does someone go about selling to you or I?

Rob 33:39
Alright, so how you sell to them is is, is not as difficult as it sounds. First of all, know your stuff to be as detailed as you can and your answers, obviously asking questions back so you understand the motivation to their questions.

But even more so asking a level of like, why is that an issue? or Why is that a problem? And, you know, why is it been happening so that you can understand all the aspects, they may see things in the business?

Or that they have that you don’t understand? And the more that you can get them to explain it and have them walk you through all the things that they have done to fix their problem.

In terms of a pain part for a sale? If you asking all those questions, what are all the things that you’ve done to fix this problem, you really get a good idea of how deep the problem is, what the issues are, and what they’ve done to fix the problem. So I think it’s it’s important to start asking those questions.

And also, I think, when you get down to it is, Hey, why are we the right solution? Why do you think we should be helping you this? Because it’ll help you understand, and they may or may not tell you? They should tell you? If you ask it the right way. Why do you think we should be the people to help you with this?

And by asking that question, you’re going to hear a detailed answer of reason A, B, C, D, and E. These are the reasons why you’ve checked all these boxes. Already, this is why I want to work and do business with you already, they’re gonna tell you some of those things.

And so you just have to not mess it up. Like if you do it right, and show them that you can do all those things, you’re not gonna mess it up. You’re not gonna miss it. I think you have to be patient, I think you have to let them think. So if you do ask a question.

And I’ve done this before, when I’ve asked a high C, I asked him a question. And and I think they don’t understand the question. And so I start to try to explain myself. And I’m cutting them off. And I’m not letting them think I’m doing myself a disservice.

If I just shut up, ask the question Shut up. If they don’t understand. They’ll ask you. I don’t understand what you mean. But if they do understand they’re thinking through their answer, and giving you a detailed answer, or an informative answer that will help you understand.

So don’t rush them. Just let them think through the question, get their answer together, and then let them say it. You have to make sure you’re very open and honest, don’t hide anything. They’ll read through anything.

If you tried to smokescreen, they will read it fast. It’s incredible how fast a C personality can read through a BS or I can tell you that right now.

Lane 36:13
And then you’re done. You are done. Yeah.

Rob 36:15
And then you’re done. Yeah, after that you they may sit there, they may not. They may call you and say I’m done with this conversation. You can leave now.

But be careful about being too chatty, too touchy feely, we talked about that a little bit. They don’t usually like to be touched us data, facts, figures, ask them to explain it from their perspective from all directions.

Bring up those different scenarios, make them talk through all the things that they’ve already thought about because they know they have Stan tasks. Remember, remember sushi. Remember that episode when we talked about sushi person? Yes, he was all over the place. Right?

And they kept me didn’t want to. Don’t do that with them. Don’t be the sushi person with a C, because you will never get them to focus and give you an answer or decide because they’ve just written you off, they don’t even want to listen to you anymore. Because you’re all over the place.

Be as organized as you can. And the other thing is, is you got to be careful, you can disagree with the facts, but you do not want to criticize them personally, go after them personally help them explain and give you the information you need. But do it in a nice way that they can feel comfortable, you’re about quality, stay within the facts, don’t try to show them something new, that is beyond their understanding, or that they’ve ever seen before.

Because it’s done. It’s they’re skeptical. They’re very skeptical individuals, and kind of rightly so because they they’re good at seeing all the data and facts, they don’t want to see the extra fluff and the shiny stuff, they don’t necessarily care about that. If they do, they’re gonna find that on their own.

Without you, they don’t need you to show them that they’re gonna find it, if they want to know about it, they’ll find it. And also be careful of your word choice. You also need to think first and speak a little slower, not necessarily as slow as an S.

But if you can slow it down, you’re talking to a D, that’s a different scenario, you need to speed up really fast and kind of stay right with them.

But if you’re dealing with a C, you may need to just slow it down. Let them keep up with you. Let them think because while you’re talking and you’re slowing things down, they’re thinking of more questions to ask.

And that gives you the ability to answer the question with another question as well. And again, stay away from the personal stuff. They don’t like personal stuff. So does that help with your call that you have?

Lane 38:25
Yeah, yeah, it really does help it. You know, it helps me realize both about myself and where this person is coming from. So yeah, I appreciate it. Rob.

Rob 38:36
All right. Good deal. So my recommendation is anybody listening, go to Crystal knows cry s ta LKNOWS, calm, learn about your personality type and what to look for another personalities.

To me, the first step is knowing what your personality is. Because that’s how you’re coming across to other people. And if you understand that piece, then you’ll know where the conflicts are when you’re dealing with a different personality.

Lane 39:03
Thanks for listening today. We really appreciate it. If you’re a C, we hope you found this episode useful and insightful. While we know we left out some data there are links on where you can get more information. We hope you’ll come back again for the next episode.

And we know you’re already thinking about why things are the way they are. Hopefully you’ll find your way back. Thanks for listening.

V/O 39:24
Thank you for listening to The Slow Pitch. Slow Down and Close More.