Selling to Kinesthetic Learners – Communicating with Feelings

How To Sell To Kinesthetic Learners - The Slow Pitch Sales Podcast - Ep75
Sales Podcast, The Slow Pitch
The Slow Pitch Sales Podcast
Selling to Kinesthetic Learners - Communicating with Feelings


How to Sell to Kinesthetic Learners

Have you ever met someone that spoke in terms that didn’t make sense? They might say something like “My gut doesn’t feel right,” or “That doesn’t sit right with me.” These are phrases that a kinesthetic learner might use to describe a situation that they’re uncomfortable, with they might not have a way of communicating in terms of sight or sound, rather they will speak in terms of feeling and tactile inputs.

When you deal with a kinesthetic learner or when you are trying to sell to them, you need to speak to them in terms of feelings, internally and externally. So you might say something like “How does that make you feel? or “What does your gut tell you?” or “Are you feeling OK with this?”

By doing this, you’re speaking in their language. You’ll know this when they communicate to you because of the word choice that they have in their questions and in their statements, they’ll want to touch the paper that you’re referring to or want to grab hold of the product that you’re selling.

When you see this, or rather experience, this, you’ll want to you pay attention to how you speak to them. If you’re not careful, they may feel like you are not understanding them very well and they will feel a little bit uncomfortable dealing with you.

Remember not everybody is 100% one of these styles, rather, we all have a combination of two or more styles.

You’ll want to use elements throughout your sales process that match all three of these styles but if you can identify that someone is primarily using a visual or an auditory or a kinesthetic style you should use that a bit more frequently.


Related Content:

Selling to Visual Learners (What You Must Do to Sell To Them)

How To Sell To A High D Personality – 3 Powerful Uses of DiSC Profiles in Sales

More Information about Kinesthetic Learners


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Music: "Clydesdale Funk" by Cast of Characters, written by: Dustin Ransom.

The Episode

Rob  00:08

All right, welcome back everybody to The Slow Pitch. And today, we are adding on to the last few episodes. By covering the type of people that are called kinesthetic type of people. These are the least common type of individuals, but you will encounter them, let’s get started,

V/O  00:25

You’re listening to The Slow Pitch Podcast, a podcast about selling less and closing more

Rob  00:31

Kinesthetic people are, I said, they’re kind of the least common, but you kind of know when these are in front of you. And here’s why they will use language that is a little different than the other two. So a kinesthetic person is really driven by touch by feel.

Rob  00:50

And these are things that are both internal and or external. So just because they’re a kinesthetic doesn’t mean that they’re the type of person that have a high level of feelings. It’s more about the the feel of something. So here’s a good example.

When you go into certain rooms, there are some rooms that are kind of like hard surfaces, okay, so if you think about, some people have in their office, no carpet, they have some sort of a tile floor or laminate floor or some sort of a hard surface floor, wood floor or whatever, then they have the hard walls, the surface of the walls, their desk is hard. All these things are hard surfaces.

Rob  01:28

So a kinesthetic person would say, Boy, it’s very cold and sterile in there, right? But But uh, but a kinesthetic person who would might say this doesn’t feel comfortable, because it’s very harsh or hard, right?

An auditory person might say it’s too echoey. In here, it has nothing to do with what it looks like visually, or feels like it’s all about the sound. So a kinesthetic, when they look at a hard surface room or they they’re in a hard surface, it just feels very hard. And what might happen would be, they might add some sort of curtains or drapes or carpet on the floor, it softens that feet, right.

Rob  02:01

They’re more tactile, if you will, that applies to a kinesthetic person in life, in that they refer to things or talk about things. In terms of feelings, it could be an internal feeling, it can be an external feeling, because they’re touchy and feely so to speak, they’re going to use words that are a little bit interesting.

And so you’re not going to have a word like I see, or I hear you, or anything like that, what you’re going to have is, I’m not sure I’m grasping what you’re talking about, they might say something like that, or something doesn’t feel right, or, you know, this feels very rough around the edges, I you know, we need to nail down some different components of this, because it just seems a little rough, right?

Rob  02:42

Those are words that don’t fit in visuals, and they don’t fit with the audio side either. So this is more of that touchy feely kind of thing. And that’s the reason why they’re the least common. Because most people look at the world, mostly that they see the world that they’re on the visuals. But then you get into this auditory piece, which is another component, the feeling component is is a totally different level.

Rob  03:05

And this is where when you’re having a conversation with them, if you figure out that they are a kinesthetic type of person, you might ask them, what what is your gut tell you? Or how are you feeling right now? Or how does that make you? How are you sitting with us? Right?

These are feeling type of words. And it’s an interesting reaction. When you use this correctly with any one of these three, they feel immediately, like I’ve said before, they feel like you get them, you understand them, and you’re speaking their language, if you add on on top of their DISC profile, and whichever one of their visual or if they’re audible person, or if they’re a kinesthetic person, they’re going to feel like wow, this person gets me.

Rob  03:54

And that can simply be the difference between getting a job to close or not close, it can be as simple as that, believe it or not, how many times have you sat in a meeting with somebody go, that person, here we go rubs me the wrong way, that is a very kinesthetic statement to make. And if that person rubs you the wrong way, or you hear somebody say that, that means that they have a kinesthetic component to them.

Rob  04:20

Now, I say all of this to make sure that you remember that if you’re a visual, that doesn’t mean you don’t have a kinesthetic component to you or an audible person personality to you. Right, you’re may have a secondary piece to you that fits. And you may have a third one, you may have a component of all of that in any one of these people that you meet with.

Rob  04:40

So know that you have to look for which one is the one that drives them the most that they do the most test it, use it, but then scale back and still use some of the other ones right so that sounds right. Okay, good. And then later on, you’re like, you know, how does it make you feel okay, good.

Just want to make sure that you’re seeing everything that I’m saying right, use all those words. because you never know which one is the first one that’s driving them the most, or the one that’s their secondary and you want to make sure you kind of tap in on both of those, in addition to their DISC profile.

Rob  05:09

So I hope that helps. If you have something in this that you said, Can you please explain more? I’d love for you to reach out, shoot us an email and we’d be happy to answer that question. Until next time, remember, slow down and close more.

V/O  05:23

Thank you for listening to The Slow Pitch. Do you have a question about sales? Call or text your question at (608) 708-SLOW. That’s (608) 708-7569. Or you can email them to Slow Down and Close More.

Rob  06:13

Thanks as always, for listening today. If you’d like this podcast, please subscribe and leave us a review. We really appreciate it. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook at The Slow Pitch. We were mixed today as always by Johnny Polakis. And we were produced by High Gravity Studios. Music credits and other notes are in the show notes section on the slow And we’ll be back with another episode soon.